Saturday, August 26, 2006


anyone know what these orange beauties are called? I think I have a bumper crop growing on an old stump. they do look prettier than these pictures make them out to be and imagine them against a blue blue sky...a little piece of art for the day.


Sandra said...

My mother, who knows mushrooms, says it might what is called a jack-o-lantern mushroom. They are poisonous and she says that on a very dark moonless night they actually will glow in the dark.

Deborah Boschert said...

Glow in the dark?! How cool is that?! You must investigate.

Anonymous said...

We saw these too, on our trip to the real Maine woods this weekend. Also some bright yellow ones that looked like tiny bunches of bananas growing upwards. I used to date a micologist (mushroom science geek) but I've forgotten everything he taught me, sorry.