Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am 'ganashing' my teeth after my first ganache failure. Never made it before but I know my mistake and what to expect next time. My beautiful blue hydrangeas are doing nothing to hide the disappointing texture of the ganache. Yes, I left it in the fridge overnight BEFORE I spread it. A good lesson, actually, when you take something positive away. These may not look as pretty and shiny as my sister-in-law Heidi's gorgeous car bomb cupcakes, but we'll enjoy them nonetheless.


Heidi said...

Sorry they did not turn out the way you wanted. Try the car bomb ones soon they are alot of work but yummy!!!!

HollyM said...

As you said, I'm sure they'll taste as good. I just made pumpkin cupcakes yesterday. It's the first time I've made a sweet in ages.

Lauren Leggatt said...

Oh that looks SO delicious, i dont think I've ever heard of ganache, looks really good though!
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